QA throughout the project life-cycle

The traditional role of a QA

QA throughout the project life-cycle

The QA Role in a Project Lifecycle

Many people will tell you that a QA is responsible for testing the product by using either manual or automated tests, identifying, reporting, and retesting the defects, and ensuring that the final product meets a certain quality standard. However, there are many other things to consider when talking about the quality of a project. In the next section, we will cover what we consider to be one of the most important aspects of the QA role inside the development team.

QA throughout the project life-cycle

Early defect prevention leads to
lower project costs

We have all heard the following sentence: “Prevention is better than the cure.” You may wonder how this can be translated into the world of software development? At Tremend, we take this statement very seriously.

As a result, we have ISTQB certified professionals from Test Managers to QA engineers that are making it their priority to enhance the end quality of a product both from a non-functional point of view like performance or security to functional aspects as a very low production defect leakage.

We can achieve a high-quality standard by involving the QA members as early as possible in the software development life cycle, starting with identifying and creating a set of documentation that will be used as guidelines for enforcing the quality of the project, such as a Definition of Ready document.

This Definition of Ready document will stand as a checklist that needs to be completed for every item from the Product Backlog, during the refinement meetings, before deciding to bring that item into the next or current Sprint.

Since we have spoken about Refinement meetings, the QA role is a significant one in the development team. The QA member needs to be a part of these discussions since this is one of the very first steps in the optimization process. If done right, it can allow us to avoid future problems, thus reducing the costs of fixing an issue later in the project.

During these meetings, the QA will pay attention and work closely with the other development team members. Additionally, they will get involved in the story’s scope and discover how each service interacts with each other and what other features are intertwined with the current ones while also trying to identify potential risks. To top it all, they will come up with testing scenarios by helping the business analyst or product owner define comprehensive user acceptance criteria.

Improving user experience
through testing

We can say that the QAs are one of the most dedicated users of an application. Thus we encourage and support them to submit any improvement they consider that can enhance the quality of the product for the end-user.

We have a proven history of improving our clients’ products with the help of the constant constructive feedback that the QA team offers for features interoperability, UI/UX, performance, and more.

Why chose Tremend?

By using the above-mentioned practices and methodologies as well as other testing strategies on top of providing a wide array of different services to our customers, we have established our name in the IT industry, both locally and internationally. We are always looking to improve the quality of the project and deliver as intended.

Get in touch with us now to learn more about our QA engineering team.

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