How the Customer Experience has changed during COVID-19

How the Customer Experience has changed during COVID-19

9 min read >


You’ve probably heard of customer experience (CX) before and you know that this exhaustive, broad topic has a lot of facets. If you’ve only scratched the surface of CX before, now you need to realize that things have radically changed. The COVID-19 crisis has transformed customer behavior and has shifted the balance in favor of brands that are transparent, focused on communication, and nurturing customer experience.

Below, we’ll try to explore how customer experience has changed during COVID-19 and we’ll offer you our best insights on how to stay on top of this change and increase your on-site engagement and conversion rates.

Increased volatility for support teams

Businesses from all over the globe are expecting an increase in weekly ticket volume. Findings prove that volatility is much higher in 2020 than it was in 2019, meaning that companies that offer support services in the industries most affected by COVID-19 should prepare for dramatic swings in ticket volume.

Customers turn to Social Media & Chat

As a growing number of people are either stranded at home with no jobs or are working remotely, customers are turning to digital support mediums. They are keen on contacting companies via social media and direct messages. As a company that wants to stay on top of these changes, you want to ensure that you focus on social media and respond to all queries in time. Engage with your customers on a daily basis and share with them the latest updates about your company.

Mobile growth is accelerating as we speak

Staying at home is pushing up smartphone usage. According to a report from Global Index, over 70% of people are now spending time on their mobile devices, with an increase of 30% since last month in December. As a company, you need to focus primarily on mobile UX instead of desktop UX.

Consider optimizing your CTAs so as to become visible for mobile users, using stick-to-scroll elements for mobile, and ultimately think of removing non-essential content in order for your pages to appeal to mobile users who don’t get the opportunity to read as much content as desktop users.

How the Customer Experience has changed during COVID-19

Practical CX aspects to focus on post-COVID

Now that we’ve looked at how the customer experience has actually changed during COVID-19, let’s take a closer look at some things you can improve in your processes in order to be there for your customers.

1. Improve your CX survey program

A key element to understanding how the customer experience has changed during COVID-19 is to get prime-time information right from your users. To remove the guessing game, start creating personalized surveys in order to collect information about what you can improve on your site. Be blunt about it and ask your customers if they want to see something else or if they have certain ideas on how you can better serve them.

You should also update your surveys in order to include important information regarding the COVID-19 impact on their lives. This will enable you to get first-hand information from your prospects and better understand their needs and wants.

2. Be there for your customers

Another aspect you want to focus on as a company is to stay relevant for your customers. This includes providing seamless service and customer satisfaction by decreasing the time to resolve service requests and also having a 360-degree overview of your customers. 

You need to be aware of your client’s problems and offer personalized, bespoke services that cater to their specific needs. Offer them all the support they need and they’ll certainly get a higher opinion about your brand.

Based on the changes in UX triggered by COVID-19, you might need to design a new interface for your site that drives better user interaction and skyrockets your conversion rates. Whatever your need, you can use Tremend’s UX services and take your user experience to a whole new level.

3. Design a new interface

Make the most of the free tools offered by Salesforce

In order to help companies better understand the change in their customer experience and to help them better satisfy their customers, numerous companies are now giving out free digital tools. One of these companies is Salesforce, the world’s number 1 Customer Engagement Platform, which is offering free licenses to numerous solutions in order to allow companies to get over this crisis period.

Here is a list of the tools offered by this large corporation that you can leverage today:

How the Customer Experience has changed during COVID-19
  • Salesforce Care Response Solutionthis is a solution for healthcare systems experiencing an influx of requests due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be deployed quickly and at no charge for six months to immediately aid healthcare systems in responding to the crisis. After the six months period, customers have the option to continue at their contracted price or discontinue the service.
  • COVID360 Solution: powered by Salesforce Health Cloud, Deloitte Digital, and Diagnostic Robotics, this high-end solution presents a full Corona treatment solution. Click this link to watch the entire video: COVID360
  • Tableau COVID-19 Data Hub: Tableau has developed a free data resource hub to help organizations see and understand coronavirus public health data in near real-time. This includes case data compiled by Johns Hopkins University as well as data from the World Health Organization and the Centres for Disease Control.
  • Quip Starter for Customers and Prospects: To help teams collaborate while employees are away from the office, Quip Starter will be available for free until September 30, 2020.
  • Shield: this is a top-notch Security Solution to keep your data safe.

The bottom line

The customer experience has changed quite a lot during COVID-19. A growing number of customers turn to social media and become more digitally savvy. As a company, you need to be there for them by designing a new UX interface and by making the most out of the free tools offered by Salesforce.

Learn more about how you can become more present in your niche by leveraging the experience of Tremend. As your trusted technical partner, we can help you reshape your website so that you can improve lead generation, enhance customer satisfaction, and increase up-selling and cross-selling. Read more about our Customer Experience services and let’s talk about how you can gain an edge over your competitors.

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