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Exploring the Future of Automotive Connectivity – From Road Traffic & Safety to New Applications

Embedded software developers have always been captivated by the ever-evolving landscape of automotive technology. The rapid advancements in connectivity have paved the way for a revolutionary concept known as Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication. In this article, we want to share practical insights on V2X communication, shedding light on its potential impact on road safety, traffic efficiency, and the overall driving experience….
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How Can Digital Transformation Drive Participatory Democracy

We live in a world and age where digital transformation is slowly finding its way into all areas of society. For democracy, this innovative concept brings along great opportunities, but also enormous governance challenges. Virtually, all components of our lives are touched by the impact of these disruptive technologies, which are rapidly reshaping the way citizens work, live, and communicate….
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Here’s why Digital Onboarding is Crucial in the Telecom Industry

There’s no secret that telecom companies that want to overcome the economic pandemic, which has followed suit with the health pandemic, need to invest in streamlining their digital onboarding processes. The shift to online is paramount for any business that activates in the telecom industry, as it enables them to capitalize on the benefits of remote digital solutions instead of…
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